Велико светско финале најпознатијег ‘1на1′ баскет турнира „Red Bull King of the Rock“ одржано је на теренима КК Црвена звезда на Калемегдану, у суботу, 17. септембра. Победник турнира је Стефан Којић, који је у финалу са 14-12 победио Литванца Каролиса Сарукаса.
Competitors pose for a portrait before the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Overview of the venue seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Stefan Kojic of Serbia seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Nebojsa Boskovic of Serbia plays against Vahtang Kadaria of Georgia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Kevin Romenoh of South Africa plays against Fadhel Fares of Kuwait during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Stefan Kojic of Serbia plays against Bosko Boskovic of Montenegro during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Nebojsa Boskovic of Serbia plays against Vakhtang Kadaria of Georgia during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Stefan Kojic of Serbia plays against Karolis Sarukas of Lithuania during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Stefan Kojic of Serbia poses for a portrait with trophy after the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
Overview of the venue seen during the Red Bull King of the Rock World Finals in Belgrade, Serbia on 17 September, 2016
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